Please join us for three evenings of Torah study to prepare for the holiday of Shavuot. This series is co-sponsored by the DAT Minyan.
All classes run Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM, take place at the Denver Academy of Torah (6825 E Alameda Avenue), are free, and are open to people of all Judaic backgrounds. Each class stands on its own, so feel free to attend one, two or three.
Tuesday, May 17th:
"Receiving the Gift that's Been Given: Preparing to Receive the Torah and Other Blessings"
Taught by Ellyn Hutt
Ms. Hutt devotes her life to teaching in the Jewish community. She is an instructor for the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School, teaches a weekly women's class at BMH-BJ and leads a monthly study group for Hadassah. She is a past recipient of the Becky Topelson Women’s Leadership Award from the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado.
Tuesday, May 24th:
"Rut: A Woman of Her Times"
Taught by Julie Lieber, Ph.D.
Dr. Lieber is a lecturer in Jewish Intellectual History at the University of Colorado. Dr. Lieber received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in European history with a focus on Jewish women, gender and sexuality in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century. Her research has been supported by numerous awards and fellowships in a variety of academic disciplines.
Tuesday, May 31st
"Why Torah? The Role of Torah Study in Jewish Thought"
Taught by Rabbi Daniel Alter
Rabbi Alter is the Head of School at the Denver Academy of Torah and the Senior Rabbi of the DAT Minyan. He received his Rabbinical ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. He holds a Bachelors Degree from Yeshiva College and a Masters Degree in Medieval Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School.
All classes run Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM, take place at the Denver Academy of Torah (6825 E Alameda Avenue), are free, and are open to people of all Judaic backgrounds. Each class stands on its own, so feel free to attend one, two or three.
Tuesday, May 17th:
"Receiving the Gift that's Been Given: Preparing to Receive the Torah and Other Blessings"
Taught by Ellyn Hutt
Ms. Hutt devotes her life to teaching in the Jewish community. She is an instructor for the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School, teaches a weekly women's class at BMH-BJ and leads a monthly study group for Hadassah. She is a past recipient of the Becky Topelson Women’s Leadership Award from the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado.
Tuesday, May 24th:
"Rut: A Woman of Her Times"
Taught by Julie Lieber, Ph.D.
Dr. Lieber is a lecturer in Jewish Intellectual History at the University of Colorado. Dr. Lieber received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in European history with a focus on Jewish women, gender and sexuality in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century. Her research has been supported by numerous awards and fellowships in a variety of academic disciplines.
Tuesday, May 31st
"Why Torah? The Role of Torah Study in Jewish Thought"
Taught by Rabbi Daniel Alter
Rabbi Alter is the Head of School at the Denver Academy of Torah and the Senior Rabbi of the DAT Minyan. He received his Rabbinical ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. He holds a Bachelors Degree from Yeshiva College and a Masters Degree in Medieval Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School.
Spring Cleaning for the Soul Learning Series
March 23rd, 30th and April 6th

join us for a special pre-Passover learning series sponsored by Minyan
Na'aleh and Kohelet, entitled "Bringing God into My Seder." It will
meet three Wednesday evenings - March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th -
from 7:00-8:30 PM at Kohelet, 428 South Forest Street. The cost for the series is
$30 and it is comprised of the following three classes:
1. Being Stuck (Moving out of a slave mentality)
2. Moving Into Adulthood (Facing challenges to move into adulthood)
3. The Seder and Love (Recalling the moment God and the Jewish people fell in love)
The three-week course, which is builds on ancient Jewish texts, was developed by Rabbi Aryeh Ben David of Ayeka. The course will be facilitated by Rabbi Elliot Baskin, who serves as Denver's Jewish Community Chaplain and the Rabbinic Director of Rafael: Spiritual Healing Center as part of Jewish Family Service of Colorado where he visits Jews in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, correctional facilities & mental health institutions. He also serves part time as the spiritual leader for Congregation Har Shalom in Durango, CO.
The course is open to and geared toward individuals of all and no Jewish backgrounds. Please click here to register (don't worry if the dates are listed wrong on the website). If you have questions or are in need of a subsidy, please contact Julie Geller at [email protected].
1. Being Stuck (Moving out of a slave mentality)
2. Moving Into Adulthood (Facing challenges to move into adulthood)
3. The Seder and Love (Recalling the moment God and the Jewish people fell in love)
The three-week course, which is builds on ancient Jewish texts, was developed by Rabbi Aryeh Ben David of Ayeka. The course will be facilitated by Rabbi Elliot Baskin, who serves as Denver's Jewish Community Chaplain and the Rabbinic Director of Rafael: Spiritual Healing Center as part of Jewish Family Service of Colorado where he visits Jews in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, correctional facilities & mental health institutions. He also serves part time as the spiritual leader for Congregation Har Shalom in Durango, CO.
The course is open to and geared toward individuals of all and no Jewish backgrounds. Please click here to register (don't worry if the dates are listed wrong on the website). If you have questions or are in need of a subsidy, please contact Julie Geller at [email protected].