Passover Shabbat Dinner Sign-Up!

Please join us for Shabbat Passover services followed by a catered, Kosher-for-Passover dairy meal! Delicious food by Mark Millenson. Advance sign-up required. YOU MUST SIGN UP BY APRIL 9!!
Details below...
Details below...
Why is this Na'aleh Shabbat different from all others?
1. On all other Na'aleh Shabbatot there is a potluck, but on this Shabbat it is on Passover, so there is NO potluck! Please do NOT bring any food. Instead, enjoy Shabbat with a catered dairy/parve Kosher for Passover meal. 2. On all other Na'aleh Shabbatot you can just show up, but this Shabbat you MUST SIGN UP in advance if you want to stay for dinner (you can always just show up for services, though). Sign up below. 3. On all other Na'aleh Shabbatot there is no charge, but we're giving you a catered Kosher for Passover meal this time, folks! Na'aleh will subsidize the meal, but we still need to collect $12 per adult, and $8 for kids age 3-11. |
Here are the full details...
DATE & TIME: Friday, April 14. Gather at 6:00PM, davening begins at 6:15PM. PLACE: 179 Poplar St. Denver, CO 80220 COST: $12 per adult or child 12 and up; $8 per child 3-11; free for kids 2 and under. Max of $40 per family. FOOD: Catered by Mark Millenson PAYMENT: Required (for dinner), by clicking on the button below. |
Choose the correct option below.
Adult = age 12 and up ($12)
Kid = age 3-11 ($8)
Children under 2 are FREE
Family maximum of $40
If you choose the Max Family Package, please comment with the number of adults and children in your party.
Adult = age 12 and up ($12)
Kid = age 3-11 ($8)
Children under 2 are FREE
Family maximum of $40
If you choose the Max Family Package, please comment with the number of adults and children in your party.